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Showing posts from November, 2019

The King of Queens

November 24, 2019 HOLA EVERYONE! I hope everything is going well back at home! Besides it being very windy, rainy, and cold, things are going great here, and I am starting to figure out the area and learn a lot more about the people. Elder Stanford told me one day that it was my job to do all the navigating, so I had to lead us onto the buses, subways, and through the streets. It was a little confusing but I am getting more and more comfortable with how New York works. I am loving it! Here are some cool things I learned this week. The first one is, there is a movie called The Other Side of Heaven. Its about a guy that gets called as a missionary in Fiji. Well, in the 2nd movie, that same guy gets called as the mission president in the same mission, and he brings his whole family to live there. It turns out, my mission presidents wife is one of the daughters of that guy! So shes like, famous. Super cool! Also, I have met 2 other missionaries here that are from Tucson, Arizona. Elder Hol...

The Land of Spider-man

November 17, 2019 Hola! All is well here in New York City! I CANNOT believe how amazing it is here, and how happy I am doing the work I am doing. There is nowhere I would rather be, and no work I would rather be doing. I have found so much more joy than I thought was possible in being a missionary. I've had so many incredible experiences this week, but I will only share a few for the sake of time, and for the sake of the length of this email. So buckle up, there's a lot I want to share with you all but I don't want to bore anyone so I will try to condense it. My new companion is named Elder Stanford! He is from San Francisco California, and is one heck of a guy! He is the best trainer I could ask for, and I love him so much. Seriously, no complaints. The area I was assigned to serve in is called Richmond Hill! Its in Queens (and a little bit of Brooklyn), and I love it so much! Its literally where Spiderman lives! The high school that they filmed Spiderman at is really ...

Email from President and Sister Teuscher

November 14, 2020 Hello, We are thrilled to have your son serving with us in the New York City mission. It was a pleasure to meet him and get to know him a little as he spent the first night here at the mission home in Scarsdale. He has such a good attitude and spirit about him. We can tell that he will be a wonderful missionary. He has been assigned to serve in Richmond Hill with his companion Elder Stanford. Richmond Hill is an area of Queens, NY. We thought you would enjoy these photos of him at the airport with all the other new missionaries, with us in front of the mission home, and with his companion. Thank you for loving and supporting your missionary! Sister Teuscher & President Teuscher New York City Mission

"Welcome to New York"

November 10, 2019 "And I was lead by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do. Nevertheless, I went forth..." - 1 Nephi 4:6-7 The last few days have been absolutely crazy! My last day in the CCM, I was asked to give a talk in sacrament meeting in spanish, and my district and I also sang a song during the meeting. All of that and much more, plus saying goodbye to my amazing teachers and good friends I have made in the CCM. It was a sad day but I was very excited to move on. The guy next to me on the flight was watching Avengers: Endgame! That is my favorite movie, but I know I am not allowed to watch it, so I struggled the whole flight ignoring the art before my eyes. I distracted myself by watching a nature documentary on the airplane TV, but without audio because I don't have headphones. It seemed like it was educational. We got to the Atlanta, Georgia airport, and a lady walked up to me and asked if I was a missionary. I said yes, and she ...

Noche de brujas and El dia de los muertos

November 6, 2019 Hola todos! This last week has been kind of crazy, with holidays, and preparing to leave the CCM in a few days. Feliz noche de brujas! In spanish, that means Happy Halloween. It directly translates to "night of witches", which is so weird to me. For Halloween, my latino companion, Elder Olivas, and I switched name tags for the day. I also carved some cardboard boxes with Elder Davis to look like jack-o-lanters, and we put them in front of our house. AND, my awesome parents sent me a package with a bunch of candy and a trick or treating bucket. So of course, Elder Davis, Elder Booth, and I went around the CCM and trick or treated to other missionaries houses and hoped for some candy. We dressed up with white bed sheets and name tags. I was the ghost of Elder Davis. We got SO MUCH FOOD. Missionaries dumped all their food into out baskets because some of them were leaving soon anyway and didnt want to keep their food. I got a few containers of queso cheese, a bi...