November 10, 2019
The last few days have been absolutely crazy! My last day in the CCM, I was asked to give a talk in sacrament meeting in spanish, and my district and I also sang a song during the meeting. All of that and much more, plus saying goodbye to my amazing teachers and good friends I have made in the CCM. It was a sad day but I was very excited to move on. The guy next to me on the flight was watching Avengers: Endgame! That is my favorite movie, but I know I am not allowed to watch it, so I struggled the whole flight ignoring the art before my eyes. I distracted myself by watching a nature documentary on the airplane TV, but without audio because I don't have headphones. It seemed like it was educational.
We got to the Atlanta, Georgia airport, and a lady walked up to me and asked if I was a missionary. I said yes, and she asked if I could give her a blessing because she has a bad heart condition and was scared she would have a difficult time on the plane. So I gave her a blessing in the middle of the airport! Right there on the chairs in front of her gate, because there were no private places to do it. We were surrounded by people but the spirit was really strong. It was a really cool experience! She was a member of the church, named Tina, and is from Tennessee. I always hear stories about how important it is to always be ready and worthy to give blessings, but I didn't think that opportunity for me would come my first day in the mission field. I was really nervous and didn't really know what I was doing, but it was super good and the feelings I had reminded me why I came on a mission. It felt really good to help someone in need.
Speaking of entering the mission field, I got to New York today! It is SO AMAZING! I am only 1 day in and I have so much love for the other missionaries, the mission president, and the people here. Right after I got off the plane, we were dropped off in Jamaica, in Queens. A bunch of us new missionaries walked down the streets and gave out Books of Mormon to people. It was the scariest thing ever. I talked to so many people on the street, and they either ignored me, cussed at me, or were intrigued and wanted to talk to me! I was paired up with another missionary who has been here for almost 2 years, and he was CRAZY! If someone ignored us on the street, he would CHASE AFTER THEM. We chased down so many people, and I thought it was kind of rude. But doing that, and being persistent, lead to some of the best discussions we had with people! I learned a lot from our few minutes of contacting on the streets. Tomorrow I will get my new companion who will train me, and I will be assigned my first area. For now, I am spending the night in a hotel in Queens. Stay tuned till next Monday to hear whats up.
Con amor,
Elder Webster
Ps. I saw the skyline of Manhattan and a bunch of awesome stuff, but didn't get any pictures. Maybe one day I will get a good picture.
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