October 24, 2019
So first of all, we went to the Mexico City temple! It was so awesome doing an entire endownment session in spanish, and it was so beautiful. That temple is the largest temple outside of the United States, which is really cool! It was such a unique and memorable experience for me. I have pictures of it that I will send in this email!
Elder Martin and I taught more lessons this week. On Thursday, we didnt have time to prepare a lesson plan, so we went into the lesson with 0 idea of what was going to happen. We were so unprepared, but we prayed for help and for the ability to remember what we have learned, and for the spirit to be there. And it worked! I said things in spanish I had never said before, and the lesson went PERFECTLY! It was definitely the gift of tounges. My teacher said she was really proud of me for being able to do that, but honestly I feel like it wasnt me that did it, it was Heavenly Father, because I used words that I had never used before. I think Heavenly Father just wanted me to know that He is taking care of me and I dont need to worry so much about the language. Ever since then, our lessons have been going a lot better because I gained more confidence in my ability to speak. That experience gave me a lot of hope that I can actually do this! Mosiah 8:18 says, "Thus God provided a means that man, through faith, might work might miracles; therefore he becometh a great benefit to his fellow beings." And then on Monday, we taught a lesson to Jorge, and we taught him about the plan of salvation. I dont know why we taught that to him, I just had a feeling he might need to hear it. Well, that feeling was right. It was a really good lesson, and he opened up to us a lot because we established a lot of trust between us and him. He shared about his father that passed away a year ago, and he started crying during our lesson. Then my companion and I were crying, and we were all just getting emotional. The spirit was really strong, and it was a really awesome experience. I cant believe we were able to get such powerful emotions out of a conversation in a language we barely know!
For the rest of my time here, every Tuesday and Saturday we are assigned NEW companions for the day, but they are latino. So I have to talk in spanish all day with that new companion, because its the only language they know. It is really good practice, but it frustrating when I dont know how to tell him something. Yesterday was my first day and I actually got put into a trio! My latino companion is Elder Olivas, and my other campanion is Elder Roemich, who is in my district, so I know him pretty well. Elder Olivas is from Nicaragua and only knows a few words in english. It was so much fun speaking spanish with them, even though we didnt understand eachother half the time. Thank goodness for google translate. I also had to teach some latinos some english, which was SO MUCH FUN! But I didnt know how to explain the words "doubt" , "know" , and "prove" because they are spelled differently than they are pronounced. It was hard to explain that in spanish, but it was very entertaining to watch them figure it out.
Probably 75% of the people at the MTC got sick this week, and we think its because the food is no bueno. But we get through it. The enfurmaria said they are going to "have a talk" with the cafeteria because we are ALL having major digestive problems. The past few days, me and some other people who are sick spent a lot of time in the casa because we were told to rest. With all that time in our casa, I MADE A FORT! It was awesome, I'll send a picture of it in this email. I dont want to brag or anything, but like... it was very impressive. The enfurmaria told me to go on a diet where I eat only fruits and vegetables for every meal. They basically told me to stop eating the food here. So. Thats fun. Ive been living off of pineapple and rice for every meal for the past few days. The only thing going through my mind is how excited I am to get some New York pizza.
Anyway, I'm out here living my best life as a true latino. I am working hard and changing lives. There have been hard times, but the good times make it worth it. Glad everything is going well at home! Gracias for your emails and pictures, I love receiving things to read!
Con mucho amor,
Elder Webster
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