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Best Week of the Year!

January 6, 2020

Happy 2020! I say this every week, but it has been so great! My week started with New Years Eve/Day! I went on exchanges with Elder Davis (not the one from my MTC District), and I spent the day in his assigned area in Far Rockaway! I definitely learned SO much from him, but specifically learned from his example of opening his mouth! The guy is so bold and talks to everyone he sees! Trying to learn from his example, my goal this week was to try talking to EVERYONE, and I ended up finding a lot more interested people, and we were A LOT more successful when I would forget my fears and open my mouth! I definitely grew as a missionary from that exchange!

Far Rockaway is on the coast (still in Queens), and was a nice change from my usual scenery in Richmond Hill. While I was there, we had dinner with a family from The Philipines who spoke English/Tagalog, and a lesson with a family from Africa who spoke English/French. It made me think of my amigos Elder Ashby, Post, and Tenney who are in the Philipines and Africa, speaking those same languages. Our new years eve was celebrated by getting home at 9:00, playing chess for about an hour, and then going to bed at 10:30. It was very enjoyable.

I started off the year exactly how I started last year. I went for a run! Elder Davis and I went to the beach to run, and also watched the sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean. I have never seen the Atlantic before, and it was super crazy watching the sun come over the horizon, instead of the other way around like it does on the west coast. Best way to start off 2020!

Updates on Richmond Hill: This week was our most successful week yet!!! MUCHAS BENDECIONES! We made a lot of progress with people and found some really interested new people. The most promising people we are teaching are Eduardo and his father Kiko, Julian, and Marta Lucia. Please pray for them! All these people are SO close to baptism, but each one has their own individual obstacles and we are doing everything we can to help them overcome those things. Kiko (or Eddie, the guy from the tree of life party last week) is so great! We met with him 4 times this week and he just has such a desire to learn and to become better. Every lesson with him goes so amazingly! He even commited to a baptismal date, February 1st! Fingers crossed it all continues to go well.

One last thing! This was a miracle! Elder Stanford and I have been praying to be able to find some solid new interested people. So, we were knocking some doors, and a random lady came up to us on the street and said "you guys should knock that door", and then pointed to a nearby house. What?! This was such a direct answer to our prayers! Someone was pointing us in the direction of a family that needs to hear the gospel! She said that a lady that lived in that house killed herself and that the family needs religion more than ever. So, we knocked on the door, and behold, we met Ivan. His wife died last month, and he is still having a hard time with it. We shared a video about the plan of salvation and he is so anxious to learn more!! He is super interested and wants some hope about where his wife is now. We are so excited to continue meeting with him and so is he! Its a miracle that some random person off the street guided us to him! It was an answer to our prayers!

As usual, working hard and learning lots every day. Have a great week!

Elder Webster

Ps. I am already on my 4th month on my mission! Time flies!

Manhattan Missionary Poem

I walk on the train
Manhattan bound.
Sharing a message
about who wears the crown.
I walk on the train,
Cheerful and optimistic.
But I soon find out
My goal is not realistic.
No one wants to hear
About Jesus Christ,
Or President Nelson;
Our prophet and light.

What can I do
To open my mouth?
To take off their ear buds,
Without going South?
I begin to remember
What my Savior did for me.
He gave His life
A sacrifice, eternally.
With that great gift,
Upon me is bestowed,
Can I not give
A few breaths to be blowed?

I walk off the train
Manhattan bound.
Having shared a message,
I feel nothing but proud!
Overcoming my fear,
His gospel comes forth!
With that God given strength,
That train did go North!
I wish this feeling
Didn't come so rarely.
Its always a good day
To be a missionary


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