February 17, 2020
First of all, we helped teach an English class at the church on Thursday, which had 4 non members there! We decided to just serve them and become their friends so that we could establish some trust, and then try to teach them the gospel another day. So, we did that, and it worked really well! The class loved us and kept asking us how to pronounce certain words in English. They had a lot of trouble saying "thirty" and "eleventh" which was kind of funny, but I am sure they think my pronunciation of Spanish words is pretty funny too! It was a good time and I had a lot of fun! The teacher asked us to come back again next week to share a spiritual thought to the class, which is EXACTLY what we wanted to do! So we are so excited to hopefully get some more interested people and teach them English AND the gospel! Also, we are going to make flyers for the English class to hopefully get more people coming.
We had to stop teaching a bunch of people I have been working with for a long time. We decided that it has been too long since they have made progress or kept any commitments, and we need to focus on people who are willing to progress. President Teuscher taught in Zone Conference this week that we need to "Leave and believe". We must leave the people who are not willing to make changes in their lives, even if we have no one else to teach. It can be hard to leave people you love, but if you leave AND believe that the Lord will provide you with more people, you WILL find. And we found 4 from English class and a few other people! We had faith that He would lead us to new people, and... He did!
I have big news about Marta Lucia! Her and her boyfriend, Gustavo, are probably in their mid 40's, and are the nicest people ever! They always feed us pan queso and sancocho. We have been working with her for pretty much my entire mission, and have been urging her to get married to Gustavo because that's the only thing stopping her from getting baptized. Well, we met with them this week, and realized that Marta Lucia can find more job opportunities if she has a marriage certificate (she doesn't have much other forms of identification... I am honestly not sure all the details because the conversation was in Spanish and I don't know any vocab words about that stuff). So, because Marta Lucia wants a more prestigious job, and Gustavo loves her, marriage is now their top priority! They came to church yesterday and we helped them print out some papers that they need. If all goes well, they should get married by the next 2 weeks (that's the best case scenario). And if everything else goes perfectly, she could get baptized in 3 weeks before transfers! I hope I can be here for her baptism but I might get transferred out of the area, so we will see! So excited for her!
That's pretty much it for this week, not too much else going on. Please keep Marta Lucia in your prayers, as well as this whole area of Richmond Hill that they can be prepared to receive the gospel. Also, next week, my P Day will be on Tuesday because Elder Larson is going to the temple and his session is on Tuesday. We get to go to the temple every 6 months, and he is 6 months into his mission, so, yeah! Have a great week!
Elder Webster
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