April 20, 2020
The first 6 months of my mission were full of street finding, train contacting, and door knocking! As of March 17, that changed. President Teuscher said that he heard social distancing might be practiced in NYC until 2022! I don't know if that's true, it's just the word on the street. Which means, visiting people in their homes will not be as common for pretty much the rest of my mission. 20,000 missionaries around the world have returned home, and I am one of the few people who get to pioneer the concept of online proselyting to start up this new era of finding. It makes sense that we would need to use technology in order to invite ALL to come unto Christ. We have been told that the New York City mission is kind of a role model when it comes to online missionary work, and apparently, the missionary department has sent links to some of the Facebook pages we have made to other missions in the world so that they can see how it's done! Admittedly, I really don't know what I am doing. But God knows what He is doing and I know that I have been sent to this city at this specific time for a reason. I am a little bummed that the rest of my mission will not have as much human contact as I anticipated. Eventually we will be able to go outside and talk to people, but it won't ever be the same as it used to be. I have never wanted to knock a door so badly!
As for updates this week. It's been a bit tough, mentally and physically, to stay home all day. My eyes hurt from all our screen time and headaches are a daily occurrence now :( But we made some goals to take more breaks from our screens and learn how to cook new food and do some more fun things to keep us sane! This week we will get transfer calls, and its possible Elder Goodman could get transferred away! I am a little nervous because I still haven't met the ward or seen much of the area, so if he leaves, it will be pretty difficult for me, but thats okay. Also, last night Elder Goodman woke up from a noise in the kitchen. He walked out to see what it was and it was ANOTHER RAT ON OUR KITCHEN COUNTER! I was asleep, but he said it was so big that he didn't think the 20 traps we bought are big enough :( I am going to lose my mind if we can't catch this thing.
I want to talk about someone we are teaching named Anibal! He is HYPED about The Book of Mormon! He is telling everyone he knows about it and giving us so many referrals haha! He brings his Book of Mormon with him LITERALLY EVERYWHERE he goes, and he is just the happiest guy ever. His only problem is that he works on Sundays and can't come to church :( Once we figure that out, he is ready to be baptized! And of course, we have to wait for this whole corona thing to go away before we can baptize anyone.
Other than that, not too much is happening. Its been a bit difficult for me, but most of the world is struggling right now so I can't really complain! Oh! They asked me to give a talk in sacrament meeting yesterday over Zoom! So that was fun! I have a screenshot from it that I will attach in this email. Have a great week!!
Elder Webster
P.S. My mailbox is empty and my birthday is this Sunday. You know what to do ;)
1435 Doris St
Apartment 1R
The Bronx, NY 10462
Apartment 1R
The Bronx, NY 10462
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