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Showing posts from May, 2020


May 18, 2020 Feliz lunes! I hope you all had a good week! My week was kind of slow, but here are some of the highlights! First, last week we met a guy named Richard! He is amazing! He is a grown man with kids, a happy family, and he smiles and laughs more than anyone. The first day we met him, we asked him to pray, and it was so powerful that he started to cry! We have only known him for a week, but we felt like he was ready to be invited to be baptized. When we invited him, he started sharing his testimony that he knows this is the path for him and that he is so grateful that God put us in his path! So he is super excited, but due to the fact that we can't meet together, we have to wait for the virus to end before we can baptize anyone. We actually have 3 people who are in the same situation, who want to be baptized, but can't because of the virus. So pray that things will be over soon! I also wanted to share something we learned in Zone Conference that helped us a l...

Lessons Learned from Liberty Jail

May 11, 2020 Hello everyone! I hope your week was good and that everyone is healthy. As you may or may not know, I had to spend the past week isolated from my companion, and had to stay by myself in my bedroom all week because I had symptoms of the COVID-19 virus! I had headaches, sweats, and fatigue throughout the week, but I am feeling better now. Almost everyone in my district has had the virus, or has it right now, so New York is just super infected. It was really really tough to be quarantined alone into 1 small bedroom, as I am sure you could imagine. We called it the "mega quarantine". I was still able to conduct district council and watch zone conference from my bed, which was a pretty unique experience! Of course, it would be super easy to complain about that situation and how it effected us, and the people we teach, but instead, I am going to write about some thing that I learned! D&C 123:7 says, "Let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and t...

I Got the Corona Virus

May 4, 2020 Hello everyone! I hope all of you are doing well! This week, I have a few pretty major things to share... The first thing is that the Church History Library asked us to submit our journal entries to them to be saved in Church History records forever, so people can always remember what it was like to be a missionary at this time in New York City. So, I sent in some journal entries, and now my journal is official church property, and will likely be read by people for decades to come. I sent in some pictures too, so my great-great-great grandchildren can one day be able to find my mission experiences and pictures! I have never really been good at keeping a journal, but I made a goal to write every single day of my mission, and I haven't missed a day yet! I am glad I made that goal, because it is already paying off. So, because of that super cool news, I thought it would be appropriate to share my journal entry from yesterday! May 3rd, 2020 "I got Coro...


April 27, 2020 Wow! You would think I would run out of updates to write about since we are still stuck at home, but I have some news! But first, thank you so much to everyone that sent Elder Goodman and I something! We got like 6 meals delivered to us throughout the week and some packages and letters! It was a fantastic birthday! I feel super blessed! When I asked people to send me stuff last week I was kind of joking because I didn't think anyone would actually do it, but we have been LOADED with food and packages! Thank you everyone! I also feel mega blessed because WE FINALLY KILLED A MOUSE! After many sleepless nights, trips to the store for traps, and praying, we got 1! We have seen rats and other mice too, so the war is not over. But 1 mouse is progress! We got transfer calls on Saturday night, and Elder Goodman and I are both staying in Olmstead. But the thing is, since so many missionaries got sent home, a bunch of areas have been shut down. The entire Chinese Zone clo...