May 18, 2020
Feliz lunes! I hope you all had a good week! My week was kind of slow, but here are some of the highlights!
First, last week we met a guy named Richard! He is amazing! He is a grown man with kids, a happy family, and he smiles and laughs more than anyone. The first day we met him, we asked him to pray, and it was so powerful that he started to cry! We have only known him for a week, but we felt like he was ready to be invited to be baptized. When we invited him, he started sharing his testimony that he knows this is the path for him and that he is so grateful that God put us in his path! So he is super excited, but due to the fact that we can't meet together, we have to wait for the virus to end before we can baptize anyone. We actually have 3 people who are in the same situation, who want to be baptized, but can't because of the virus. So pray that things will be over soon!
I also wanted to share something we learned in Zone Conference that helped us a lot this week! It was a new method of asking members for referrals! We called a family in the ward that we don't know very well and instead of sharing a spiritual thought, we just got to know them! We asked where they were from, how they met each other, their conversion story, and what their life would be like without the gospel! They were so happy to just share their life story with us and we felt like we became great friends with them! They started talking about all the blessings they have from the gospel and they started to realize how much of a positive impact the church has made in their life. So in that moment, I pointed out that a lot of people in the world are struggling, and don't know where to find those same blessings. I asked them if they knew anyone that would want that same thing in their lives, and they gave us 5 names for us to contact!! 5!!!!!! We asked how we could best help those people, and they said that they would love to join us in a group video call sometime to introduce us. So, long story short, missionary work comes down to really just being peoples friends. We weren't expecting that conversation to go as well as it did!
Also, Sister Teuscher texted me this week and asked if she could join our District Council tomorrow. The Sister Training Leaders are also planning on joining us to give a training! So I have been stressing out all week trying to make sure that the meeting goes smoothly because there is going to be a lot of authority in that call and I don't want anything to go wrong!
We are also going to be receiving new missionaries soon that got reassigned here! I am so excited! Oh I also saw another mouse this morning on our stove!! Agh! I thought we had taken care of that problem, but they are back again. Anyway, I hope you all have a great week!!!
Elder Webster
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