June 1, 2020
So there is this mystery liquid in all of the gutters here in the Bronx. Its a cloudy grey color, mixed in with empty beer bottles and other trash. Sometimes we see mice drinking out of it. We call it "bronx juice" and you can smell it from a block away. It really sums up the overrall vibe here. But this past week, it rained! All of the bronx juice got flushed out and the poop on the sidewalks got cleaned up! It felt really refreshing to smell the rain and see clean streets!
That reminded me of a primary song called "When I Am Baptized". The lyrics say,
"I like to look for rainbows whenever there is rain, and ponder on the beauty of an Earth made clean again. I want my life to be as clean as Earth right after rain. I want to be the best I can to live with God again. I know when I am baptized my wrongs are washed away, and I can be forgiven and improve myself each day."
We all got metaphorical bronx juice inside of us! But I know that can be washed away with baptism (and the sacrament, weekly) so we can feel refreshed and new! I am so hyped to be helping people get that in their lives! I have seen the gospel bring a light into peoples eyes, especially right now with my friends Richard and Anibal! When we talk to them, they always tell us how we are angels sent from God to teach them. We started teaching Richard about a month ago, and he is already almost finished reading the Book of Mormon. Just yesterday, he told us, "I am truly happy. Thank you."
So what I am trying to say is, the gospel is the cure to all bronx juice. Whatever problems you got, there is hope because of Jesus Christ.
Todos de nosotros tenemos desafíos y errores. La vida a veces es difícil. Pero estoy agradecido por Jesucristo, sus enseñanzas, y sacrificio para nosotros. Podemos ser perdonados y limpios si seguimos su ejemplo y actuamos en fe y ser bautizados. Estoy tan emocionado por esta cuarentena terminar para que mis amigos pueden hacer el convenio de bautismo con Dios! Yo se que bautismo es la senda por felicidad eterna.
En el nombre de Jesucristo, amen.
Elder Webster
PS. Today marks 8 months in the mission! And I received and opened my mission call a year ago this week!
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