June 15, 2020
Elder Chavez was VERY surprised his first day here because of how busy we are! He was expecting to come to New York and just chill because we are quarantined, but nope! I wish I could accurately describe how busy we have been, its been insane! We once had 11 lessons in one day! He also had a BUNCH of new missionary meetings, and I had SO MANY District Leader calls to attend, so we always had something to do! His first week definitely took him by surprise, and he has been exhausted! That means I did my job well :)
My favorite part about training so far is getting to see Elder Chavez excited when something goes well! I made him call a referral that we got, and the person was interested in having a lesson with us! He was SO excited that he immediately wrote it down in his journal, and he made a voice recording to explain what happened so he could share his miracle in the district group chat. Some words he used were, "the mission life is the good life!" It reminds me a lot of my first week in New York because I remember being very easily excited about everything that happened haha. Its also kind of funny watching him get really nervous before he calls anyone or before we start lessons. I remember when I was new, I would literally pace back and forth for a couple minutes before knocking on someones door because I was so nervous, and sometimes I would just sit on their doorstep until I figured out what I wanted to say (shoutout to Elder Stanford... he was probably laughing at me throughout all of my training haha). Elder Chavez is a BEAST missionary so I am sure he will get over his fear of calling people a lot quicker than I did!
We are so sad because Anibal, who was supposed to get baptized in 2 weeks, found a job on a farm and left yesterday! He is going to be gone for the summer to earn money, so we had to postpone his baptism to August! But we are still planning on baptizing our friend Heiddy on the 27th, and our other friend Marina on the 4th of July. We hope everything goes according to plan! If there is one thing I have learned on my mission, its that plans usually change, so pray for them to be able to make their baptismal date!
The city is finally starting to re-open, and we can finally do baptisms next week! ALSO, I HAVE NOT HAD A HAIRCUT SINCE THE LAST WEEK OF FEBRUARY, and it is currently the middle of June! I never thought that on my mission I would stop going to church for like 5 months, grow out my hair super long, and spend most my time on social media haha. So crazy!
Thats all the updates for this week, have a good week!
Elder Webster
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