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Showing posts from July, 2020

Grind Never Stops

July 13, 2020 Helloooooooooo! My week wasn't super eventful, but here are all the highlights. On Tuesday, I had an interview with President Teuscher and it was so awesome! He started off the interview by saying, "Elder Webster, I have been wanting to ask you... how have you managed to grow so much on your mission? You are not the same missionary I met back in November! To what do you owe your success as a missionary?" That was a shocking beginning to my interview! I just started telling him about all the defining moments of my mission that I have grown a lot from, and we just ended up talking forever! The interview was supposed to be 15 minutes long, but it ended up being 52 minutes long. He told me that he wants me to be in leadership positions for a large chunk of my mission, and I jokingly told him "no thank you". Little did he know, I wasn't joking haha. It was honestly a really casual conversation with a few jokes and laughs, and at one point he said ...

Marina's Baptism!

July 6, 2020 Hola a todos! This weekend was so crazy! So first of all, our friend Marina got baptized! It was so awesome! She was crying during the whole thing and she was just so happy! The spirit was definitely really strong during the whole thing! There were only 4 people there, and the rest of the ward watched over Zoom.  Right after the baptism, Elder Chavez and I went to our favorite pizza restaurant to celebrate. They raised their prices and we were super sad, but we were going to buy pizza anyway. After we went to pay, the employee told us we can have the pizza for free! I don't know why he let us take it, but I definitely had a SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE in that moment haha, like... God is blessing us in every aspect of life as we are serving Him. I know it probably sounds weird to feel the spirit over a free slice of pizza, but I was very grateful, and I was on a spiritual high from the baptism. The pizza was delicious. The 4th of July celebrations in the city sounded amazing! ...

Anibal's Baptism!

June 29, 2020 On Saturday, June 27th, I got to baptize Anibal! It was such a unique experience because the baptismal service was modified to follow the Corona Virus guidelines. First of all, because we have been teaching over video chat, the first time I met Anibal in person was at his baptismal service! We had to wear gloves and masks, and only 4 people attended the baptism. The rest of the people watched through Zoom. It was a little awkward because we couldn't hug him or shake his hand to congratulate him, we just stood 6 feet away and told him "congratulations!". But I wrote him a letter, baked him cookies, gave him a tie with my name on the back, and I gave him one of my nametags. Elder Goodman left behind one of his suits that didn't fit anymore so that I could give it to Anibal on his baptismal day! He was so happy! A cool thing about Anibal is that he speaks 0 English and only a little bit of Spanish. His native language is called Mum, and it's not even on...