July 13, 2020
Helloooooooooo! My week wasn't super eventful, but here are all the highlights.
That was a shocking beginning to my interview! I just started telling him about all the defining moments of my mission that I have grown a lot from, and we just ended up talking forever! The interview was supposed to be 15 minutes long, but it ended up being 52 minutes long. He told me that he wants me to be in leadership positions for a large chunk of my mission, and I jokingly told him "no thank you". Little did he know, I wasn't joking haha. It was honestly a really casual conversation with a few jokes and laughs, and at one point he said "you remind me a lot of myself!" So I guess I am President Teuscher Jr. now. Anyway, it was just really cool to talk to him for awhile and get compliments from him, because he is basically an apostle (mark my words, he will be an apostle one day).
We got to watch some members of our ward get married over Zoom this week! It was so amazing! They just sat in their living room while the bishop married them over the camera. They had us all toast our drinks to the screen, and then they slow danced in their home. There were probably 100 people on the Zoom call watching, which was super cool. I can't imagine getting married in my living room over a video call, but it was actually super fun! And probably super cheap considering they didn't have to rent a venue or buy food. Not such a bad idea haha.
We baptized our most solid people so we worked a lot this week and found some new people to teach. We committed 3 people to baptism! I got to conduct 2 baptismal interviews this week too, and thats always fun! I also came up with an initiative for my district this week on asking for referrals! As a district we received a total of 73 referrals in 1 week! I kid you not! We have been so blessed! Life is good here in the 'ole bronx.
We took the subway this week and there was literally nobody on it! It felt super weird! I feel super blessed being able to experience NYC during a unique time like this. When else would I ever get to see empty streets and empty subways in new york city?
Anyway, thats all my updates for this week! Have a great week!
Elder Webster
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