August 24, 2020
Hello!! How are you all doing? I am doing pretty good! This week was really awesome because we had our first IN PERSON District Council, so I finally got to meet the people I have been leading for the last 4 months haha. It felt so great to be around real people! Also, as District Leader, I am supposed to go on exchanges with every elder in my district each transfer, but they were quarantined for the first 2 weeks, and then I was quarantined for the next 2 weeks. Now I am scramming to fit in all the exchanges before the end of the transfer! It's not that big of a burden, though, because exchanges are so much fun! I had 3 this past week, and 2 this upcoming week.
Guys!!! Nazareth was supposed to get baptized yesterday, but HE GOT THE CORONA VIRUS!! Such bad timing! He sent us pictures of him in the hospital, and we are praying for him so much! Don't worry, I have never met him in person, so we know it wasn't our fault. Luckily, he said he is already improving! I only have 1 week left in The Bronx, so I am praying that he can get baptized this weekend. It would take a MIRACLE, but God has his ways! If he can't get baptized this weekend, I know that he will eventually. And that's all that really matters.
A member that we work with a lot found out that I am probably getting transferred soon, and in broken English he said, "The missionaries who are really really good are the ones you miss the most. That missionary is you". Not only was it a super nice compliment, but that fact that he tried to say it in English so he could make sure I completely understood... Dang that was a nice moment. I am going to miss The Bronx so so much!
The Elders in my district found a grill next to the church so we all pitched in to buy food and we are going to have a barbecue together today for P-day! I am super excited!
That's pretty much all the updates from me this week. Please pray for a miracle so that Nazareth can be baptized soon! Have a great week!
Elder Webster
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