September 12, 2020
This week was 9/11, which is a sad day for everyone, especially for New York. The whole thing felt a lot more real since I am actually in the place where it happened, and everyone I know actually experienced it. I went on an exchange that day to the Manhattan/Lincoln YSA ward with Elder Parks, who has only been on his mission for 2 weeks. They live right around the corner from Times Square so it was cool being down there for a while. As far as I could tell, life was pretty normal that day for New York. But at the end of the day, we spent a lot of time on the roof of their apartment building, and we had an amazing view of the city and got to see the 9/11 memorial spotlights that they shine in the sky. Elder Parks and I had a long conversation about Spiderman and how cool it would be to swing from all the buildings.
I got to attend church IN PERSON for the first time in 6 months! It was so awesome! There were 2 small sessions, and masks and social distancing were required. There were only 11 people in our meeting, which was kind of strange, but it was still nice to see people! Elder Davis and I blessed/passed the sacrament together, and it was so special being able to administer to people who haven't taken the sacrament all year. A few of them were in tears as we passed it to them, because they missed it so much.
Our friend Luis is preparing for his baptism here in a few weeks and he is super excited! We taught him about baptism for the dead and he was BEAMING with joy! He is so excited to get into family history and one day take all of his ancestor's names to the temple so he can have an eternal family :) We have had a pretty steady flow of lessons and we are always busy with something, which is nice!
This week we have a general authority visiting our mission, Elder Clayton. Usually its in person, but he is visiting us electronically. He is going to join a bunch of companionships virtually as they daily plan, have comp study, and even join in lessons! This Thursday he is going to give a training in our District Council, which is exciting! I also have like 3 meetings with him this week because he wants to meet with the mission leadership a lot. Should be fun!
The work is good, Elder Davis is a stud, and I love New York.
Elder Webster
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