September 28, 2020
Hey everyone! How was your week? That wasn't a rhetorical question, please let me know because I am interested to hear! That means YOU!
Luis got baptized this week! It was a great experience for everyone involved, but MAN was it stressful! Its a long story, but so many things went wrong haha. 2 days before the baptism, Luis got cold feet and thought he needed a little more time. We sat down and talked to him for like an hour and resolved his concerns, and by the end, he felt good about being baptized again. He was SO ready for baptism, I think he was just nervous. That gave us a mini heart attack. Then, 2 hours before his baptism, our bishop (who was supposed to be the one to baptize him) got Covid, and couldn't come anymore! So at the last minute we asked another member to perform the ordinance. There's like a million other things that went wrong with the font, the zoom link, and the baptism jumpsuits, but I don't want to ramble, I think you get the idea. Our brains felt like scrambled eggs afterwards. It was so tiring haha. But Luis got baptized and he is so happy!!!
I went on another exchange this week with Elder Bargeron! The coolest part of the day was that his chapel is actually the temple! The temple here is weird and has like 5 floors, and 1 of the floors is just a normal church building with a gym and everything. So it was really cool spending time in the "temple" for most of the day!
When I was being trained in Queens, the first person I ever taught was named Angel! He was super funny and I love him! But sadly, we had to stop teaching him in December of last year. This week, even though I am in Harlem now, Angel called us on Messenger! He said he missed us haha! We added the missionaries in Queens to the video call, which happens to be my previous companion, ELDER GOODMAN!! and also ELDER RASMUSSEN who is another good friend of mine. It was soooo nice seeing them and talking with Angel. It made me miss my old area a little bit. Angel is so funny and pretty much just roasted us for the whole phone call, and we were laughing SO hard. Good times. I think it's pretty cool that I am still in contact with the first person I ever taught on my mission!
Elder Davis and I ran 5 miles one morning. That's the whole story. It was super fun but we were really tired.
We are teaching someone named Saul, who works in a Deli! One day we decided to visit him at work to bring him a Book of Mormon and to buy dinner. We walked in and for some reason had a lot of confidence. We were just in a good mood so we walked in and yelled "COMO ESTA, SAUL?" and the whole deli heard us. We got to know all his coworkers and taught them all about the Book of Mormon! They all seemed to really like us and gave us some free drinks! We plan on visiting that deli regularly because 1- its delicious, and 2- we want to baptize them all.
Today for P-Day we went to The Met and saw some good art. Then we went to Roosevelt Island and had a sick view of the city. Pretty sweet.
I hit 1 year on the mission this Thursday, so that's pretty weird. Other than that, I have no more updates! Have a great week!
Elder Webster
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