November 2, 2020
Happy November! It's weird to think we are almost done with 2020. What a crazy year it's been! It pretty much rained all week and got down into the 30's. I forgot how much I hate the cold! It's times like these that I am grateful we don't have to spend our nights knocking doors anymore. Everyone say "thank you corona."
President Teuscher said that watching church online will no longer count as sacrament attendance for the people we teach, so we need to get them going in person. Well, our church starts at 9 AM, and Angie and Jeynaliz live an hour away from the chapel. Sooooo to make it easier on them, we had to refer them to an English ward in downtown Manhattan. We were so sad to say goodbye to our most solid people, but its for their own good, so its okay. We said our goodbyes to them and brought them brownies, and Jeynaliz wanted to make friendship bracelets together so she could remember us! Mine is pink and blue (her favorite color, and my favorite color). So cute. BUT HERES THE COOL PART OF THE STORY:
Right after we told Angie and Jeynaliz that some other elders will be teaching them, we got a text from an unknown number saying that she wanted to come to church and learn about the Book of Mormon! We called the number and found out that the lady's name was ANGIE! We still have no idea how she got our number or where she came from, but we are teaching her now! We had to say goodbye to 1 Angie, and God gave us another Angie out of nowhere just a few minutes later!
A highlight of my week was that my MTC companion, Elder Martin, asked me to join a Queens Facebook Page meeting to give a training! He said he liked all the content I post and wanted me to share how I come up with ideas. So that was fun! Nobody hypes me up like Elder Martin does!!!! I made a whole power point and everything haha, it was pretty good not gonna lie. Speaking of Facebook, I heard that the MTC uses videos made by missionaries from the New York City Mission to show examples of how to do online missionary work! Pretty cool! I guess they use our stuff to train MTC missionaries now!
Halloween was so fun! Walking around seeing bloody, dirty, zombie looking people didn't feel much different than a normal Tuesday here. I didn't know who was dressed up scary or who was actually scary, which made things a bit more exciting. I saw a drag queen witch reading childrens stories on the side of the road to a big group of kids. It was so strange but it was oddly entertaining.
Other than that, nothing new. Elder Hale still doesn't wake up till 10:30ish, and then he gets up and watches basketball on Facebook and avoids doing work. He didn't wake up till 1:00 the other day and I have done everythinggggg I can think of to get him up. So my burden has been super heavy lately and our teaching pool is just getting smaller and smaller, and I feel like we get nothing done. Its pretty discouraging because I have been working exta hard and seeing less and less fruits from my labors. I'm just trying to stay obedient and be an example because you can't really go wrong with that. We have interviews with president this week so hopefully I can get some advice. The best part about all this is that I have been getting extra long personal studies and it has been AMAZING! I am learning so much!
The subject of this email was brought to you by a member of my ward who gave us some cookies and explained how we are like chocolate chips. We are in the world, but not of the world. Just like how chocolate chips are in the cookie, but not of the cookie. I was laughing sooo hard afterwards because she said it all with a completely straight face!
Have a great week!
Elder Webster
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