March 8, 2021
Happy Monday everyone! ¿Cómo están? I don't even remember what happened this week, it went by pretty fast. All I know is that I had a bunch of exchanges, and they were probably some of the most fun ones I've had in a while!
On Friday I got to go with Elder Giles to MLC, which means I had to drive us through The Bronx, Harlem, and Queens. Yes, thats right... lil 'ole me drove THROUGH THE CITY and I didn't crash! New York City is like famous for being hard to drive in, but I was able to do it! It took a LOT of focus though, and my brain was tired afterwards haha. At MLC I got to see the homies Elder Wooley and Elder Goodman, and oh man I just love them so much.
Earlier in the week I didn't have as much success driving haha. I was on an exchange with Elder Stucki, and we got a flat tire! It was 20 degrees and dark outside, and neither of us have ever changed a tire by ourselves before. It sounds like a pretty miserable situation, but it was probably the highlight of my whole week! We had A LOT OF FUN! We were able to change the tire in a little under 30 minutes, and everything went super smoothly! Like, it definitely felt like we had some divine assistance giving us some help. It went perfectly and I was really grateful to have had that experience with Elder Stucki, I love that guy. Also, I just want the record to show that the flat tire was not my fault, it could have happened to anyone. I was being a good driver, I promise haha.
I went on another exchange with Elder Virchow, and he is a stud. His apartment is probably the nicest apartment in the whole mission. I don't know how to describe it, but I took a picture and I will send it in this email. Its got valet parking, a view of Manhattan, lots of windows, and its just fancy. I was just in shock the whole day at the luxury they are living in. My dad joked about how tithing is going to get raised to 12% if the church keeps buying stuff like that haha.
JORGE PASSED HIS BAPTISMAL INTERVIEW AND WILL BE GETTING BAPTIZED THIS SATURDAY!!! We are really excited! Also, someone I found on Facebook (Doris) brought her whole family to church yesterday for the first time! I am always so amazed that Facebook actually works! They made lots of friends at church and felt very welcomed!
My district went mini golfing today and it was so fun! Things are good here! Let me know how you all are doing please!!!!
Elder Webster
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