April 26, 2021
What's up email squad!!! Thanks for all the birthday wishes! This week had its ups and downs but Elder Webb and I saw some incredible miracles.
I just want to start off by saying I LOVE ELDER GOODMAN! I was blessed to go on an exchange with him this week (for those who don't know, we were companions a year ago), and since he is currently serving in Harlem, I got to go back and talk to some people I used to teach, see my old apartment, and eat at my favorite deli! HARLEM IS A HOLY PLACE. IT IS A SACRED LAND. Jesus loves Harlem, there is no doubt. Harlem is where dreams come true. (I actually got to go twice this week because I went on an exchange with some other elders in Manhattan later in the week. How blessed am I?????)
I had my interview with President Teuscher this week, and I came with LOTS of questions. I asked him what I should expect when the new mission president (President Holmes) comes, and what my role in "training" him will be. I also asked what he struggled with the most as a new mission president, and what I can do to prevent the new mission president from experiencing those same struggles. Here is what President Teuscher told me:
1- Proselyting should always be our first priority above anything else. We should find and teach more than we do anything! But, in this case, he doesn't want me to worry about that. For 2 transfers (the last 2 transfers of my mission), my top priority should be training the president and serving him. That MAY include doing his groceries, washing his car, cleaning the house, etc. so that he doesn't have 1,000 things to worry about. I doubt he will ask me to do that, but we'll see. It will also include me attending EVERY single meeting that he attends. Every zone conference, stake correlation, leadership meeting, new missionary meeting, everything... and I should be prepared to answer any questions he has about what the heck to do at each meeting. Scary.
2- He also told me that I should make myself AVAILABLE all the time in case he needs me for something so that I can drop whatever I am doing to help. That means only going on a limited amount of exchanges so I'm not too far away or too busy.
3- He also told me that next transfer, we will have several meetings together so that he can train me on what mission presidents do so I can be able to answer President Holmes' questions. I lowkey hope he lets me shadow him for a day, but I don't know what will happen.
After the interview, I was having a bit of a panic attack the rest of the day haha. I was stressin hard core and couldn't keep my thoughts straight. I was completely useless like the rest of the day. All of our lessons that night went super bad and we were a little sad. Not a little sad, we were really depressed actually. Out of discouragement, we decided to fast together to have the spirit more with us. The results of the fast were incredible! We were able to find 4 super interested new people to teach the next day within the span of 45 minutes, and some of them are super prepared! The Lord was just guiding us to them and we were able to not only reach, but exceed our weekly goal in less than an hour. It was awesome!
- Elder Webster
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