May 24, 2021
Another wild one coming in hot.
Zone Conference was this week, and President asked Elder Money and me to give a training to the whole mission about Device Audits. Our mission has NEVER done device audits, so we had no experience. So we actually did device audits about a week in advance to get practice, and we studied the doctrine behind why we do it. It was incredible and we learned so much. We had to go to EVERY zone conference around the mission and we ended up giving our training not 1, not 2, but 12 times this week to different zones. It got a little repetitive for us, but we LOVED it every time. We were very busy traveling around the mission, setting up and teaching missionaries all week. I got to see EVERY missionary in the mission face to face within just a couple of days. It was awesome!
After each zone conference, I got to go on exchanges with Zone Leaders. My favorite was with my guy Elder Wooley!!!!!!!! He is my favorite person on the whole planet and it was so nice spending a day with him again. We got a parking ticket that day too. Fun times. He goes to his originally assigned mission in Mexico City in a few weeks and I am so sad :(
Our best friend Raquel is getting baptized this week!!! She is a professional cat sitter and a retired punk rock band singer. She is incredible. She is so converted and the ward loves her!
Elder Money is awesome. Inwood is alive. I love you all. Have a great week!!!!
- Elder Webster
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