June 21, 2021
I don't know how many of you read my emails or not, but this one will actually be worth reading haha. I have a short P-day because new missionaries fly in today and I get to pick them up and drop them off to their trainers! I am very excited to meet them!
First things first, the day has finally come where we got permission to KNOCK DOORS, STREET CONTACT, AND TRAIN CONTACT! We can FINALLY talk to people! We are almost completely back to normal, which is so exciting. We were advised to limit our time spent outside though because online work is literally so much more effective in NYC, especially right now when everyone is still in the habit of not talking to anyone else. We had a few miracles though! We met a lady on the street named Mercedes, and we invited her to do a chapel tour with us! She came, and she accepted a baptismal invitation! The next day, she came to church and loved it, and is so excited to be baptized! Yay!
Elder Money and I had the incredible experience of meeting our new mission president and his wife, President and Sister Holmes, prior to their arrival next week. It was just us and them on a zoom call. They are SO amazing. We got to know each other for a bit and we are just in love with them. They are VERY qualified to lead the mission and I have no worries. I took lots of notes on the things they said. It was an honor being the first missionary that they ever met from the mission! President Holmes told me that my job will be "harder than his job" for the first couple of transfers, since he doesn't know anything yet. He said he wants us to be with him all day every day to explain things to him and help him get adjusted. Pretty nerve racking, but it should be fun. Literally an hour after they land in New York, the Teuschers were planning on taking them out to a nice restaurant in downtown Manhattan to talk before they go home that night. Well GUESS WHAT! The Teuschers invited us to join them for dinner! That's right. Just us, the Holmes, and the Teuschers at a rich restaurant downtown. Does that not sound like heaven???? We were seriously speechless when we found out. We will be the last missionaries to see the Teuschers before they go home :(
On Tuesday, we had our Transfer Planning meeting with the Teuschers, where we planned where everyone will be going at transfers, who will train new missionaries, and who will serve in leadership. It took all day. President Teuscher made almost all the decisions, but I did get to give some ideas that he liked (and kept!). 1 companionship that I got to help plan for was my homie Elder Goodman. I knew EXACTLY who his companion needed to be. Like, it was so obvious. The spirit was really strong in the room and we were all in agreement. I was super happy that God used me to help assign where he is going and who he serves with, he is like one of my best friends. That was a spiritual experience. The Teuschers took us out to a deli for lunch, and the Clifford's (senior couple) took us out for tacos for dinner. That was also a spiritual experience, those tacos were heavenly.
We've been grinding every day till pretty late (last night till 1 AM), doing really really tedious and stressful work preparing for THE MISSION BOUNDARIES CHANGING, transfers, and a new mission president. I don't think anyone realizes how much work we do behind the scenes. It's absurd. As a result of all the stress, lack of sleep, and not wearing masks anymore, I got sick! It has been really tough having to grind so hard but it needed to be done (and there's still more to do!).
Last thing: tomorrow we will be with the departing missionaries, who will go street contacting for their last few hours of being a missionary. I am planning on joining them for a little bit so I can go street contacting with my trainer, Elder Stanford! Yes, he is STILL on his mission, and I get to drive him to the airport. Crazy! He is one of the only missionaries I have served with pre-covid, and I'll get to serve with his post-covid too!
Last last thing: I don't think I have ever been MORE grateful in my entire life. 1 of the reasons we end up staying up so late is because we just sit there and talk about how grateful we are to be having such incredible experiences that not very many people get to ever experience. This is super hard work, I'm sick, tired, and hungry most of the time. But it is all so worth it and I am in awe at the blessings I have been given. I am learning TONS of things too! Love you all!
- Elder Webster
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