June 28, 2021
Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well! This week was absolutely ridiculous. Today is the day I have been anticipating for about 3 months now. President and Sister Teuscher go home, and the Holmes' fly in. We've been really busy this past week doing last minute things to prepare, like prepping the new mission home, getting the car clean and ready for President and Sister Holmes, and a few other things. I am really excited because tonight we are having a "transition dinner" where we will sit down with the Teuschers and the Holmes, take some pictures, talk a little about the mission, and go our separate ways afterwards. I don't know where we are going out to eat, but I know it's in downtown Manhattan and it's EXPENSIVE. Both the Teuscher's and the Holmes' have been in contact with us pretty consistently, giving us different assignments they want us to do. One day, President Teuscher called us 6 times, and President Holmes emailed us 3 times. We were taking in A LOT and are temporarily running everything in the mission for the time being. The only thing going through my brain is: stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress
Tuesday was transfer day. I said goodbye to 4 of my past companions, and it was really sad taking them to the airport to say goodbye to them all. I had a nice moment with my trainer, Elder Stanford. They will be missed. Other than that, transfers were going suspiciously well at the beginning. It was almost going TOO well that I was anticipating some major problem to come out of nowhere. And then, IT HAPPENED. Our mission boundaries adjusted and we gained a few new wards from the Boston mission. Later in the day, some of our missionaries went to Connecticut to get their new keys and SIM cards. We had a bit of a miscommunication, and long story short... none of our missionaries received their new SIM cards from the other mission. We weren't able to be in Connecticut in person to solve the issue, and suddenly we had an entire Zone without SIM cards. We couldn't communicate with them and none of them could proselyte for a few days (because you kind of need a SIM card for that). We eventually got it all figured out, but it was a BIG oof.
We were in the office one day, and Elder Money stepped into another room for a zoom meeting he needed to join. So, it ended up being just Sister Clifford and I (a senior couple missionary) in the office for about 2 hours. Sister Clifford is the funniest person in the whole world, and we were just bouncing jokes off of each other for a while. I seriously felt like I was in an episode of The Office. We were literally in an office, 2 random people, trying to be productive but continually getting distracted by each other. At one point Sister Clifford got up and started impersonating missionaries and I had to guess who she was acting like. It was amazing.
We probably got a total of 1 or 2 hours of proselytizing in this week. I'm definitely not serving a typical mission haha. It kind of feels like I am just a normal person doing office work in New York City. I walk down the streets of Manhattan carrying a briefcase and wearing a suit and tie, just like everyone else. The only thing that sets me apart is that I am not representing a business, I am representing Jesus Christ. AND I CAN FEEL IT! This is His work. I think others can feel it too.
Love you all! Have a great week!
- Ya boi
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