August 2, 2021
Hello!! I hope you all had a wonderful week! This week was an absolute grind. It totally wrecked me. I'm almost too exhausted to type it all out, so this email will be brief. I don't really get a P-day today because we are picking up 31 new missionaries from the airport and we planned a whole program for tonight with trainings and stuff for them. Grind never stops. Plus, we went to bed at 1 AM last night because President needed help with some things. I'm dead.
Elder Call is my new companion! I picked him up a week ago and he is so awesome! He has never been a Zone Leader, he was supposed to go home, and he already served as an office elder. It literally makes no sense that he is an AP but President Holmes felt a very strong impression that it needed to be him, so it actually makes perfect sense. He got approval from Salt Lake to extend his mission, and here we are! It's been so fun training him on all the random stuff we do. He is a beast, I am excited to serve with him. He is OVER qualified for the assignment.
GEORGE GOT BAPTIZED! It was so hype. We definitely did NOT give him the attention he deserved. We don't even live in our area anymore so we only saw him once every couple of weeks. He was just so prepared he didn't really need us that much haha. Unfortunately, George isn't a fan of pictures, so we took a secret one of him while he was walking away. Elder Call had a baptism on the same day in his previous area in Brooklyn, so we got to go to 2 baptisms back-to-back in different boroughs. Many, many, many miracles took place that day. It was incredible.
After weeks and weeks of planning transfers, we finally had our transfer call on Saturday and announced everything we've been working on. There are only 7 companionships who aren't getting affected, which is absolutely insane. There were LOTS of changes that president Holmes wanted to make, and I can honestly say that it was all inspired by God. It has been such an incredible experience participating in this whole process. Tomorrow is transfer day, which means we won't be sleeping for the next few days as we work with new/departing missionaries. Seriously pray for us haha.
I met spiderman yesterday. Peep the photos.
God bless!!!
- ya boi
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