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Showing posts from October, 2019

Week 5

November 30, 2019 Hola! It has been a pretty good week! We have just been going through classes, learning spanish, and learning how to teach. I am improving but still have a long way to go. I cannot wait until I leave to go to New York! I leave on November 11th, so I have less than 2 weeks. The CCM has its perks (like I dont have to make my food, I dont have to worry about getting lost or mugged, and I have teachers helping me), but I am ready to get out there and actually WORK, instead of just learning about work. It has been raining here almost every day for the past week, and I am absolutely loving it. The monsoon season in AZ was kind of lacking this year, so I am glad I am getting the rain I have been waiting for. Also, sometimes I can hear loud music coming from outside the walls of the CMM. I can proudly say that "We Will Rock You" is the first normal song I have heard in a month. Fireworks are also a nightly tradition for Mexico City. One awesome thing that happen...


October 24, 2019 This week was SO good!! I cant even explain all the emotions I have felt this week, and the miracles I have seen, but I will try to convey everything accurately. And sorry its a long email, its just been so so good so I want to include everything. So first of all, we went to the Mexico City temple! It was so awesome doing an entire endownment session in spanish, and it was so beautiful. That temple is the largest temple outside of the United States, which is really cool! It was such a unique and memorable experience for me. I have pictures of it that I will send in this email! Elder Martin and I taught more lessons this week. On Thursday, we didnt have time to prepare a lesson plan, so we went into the lesson with 0 idea of what was going to happen. We were so unprepared, but we prayed for help and for the ability to remember what we have learned, and for the spirit to be there. And it worked! I said things in spanish I had never said before, and the lesson wen...

Fireworks or Gunshots?

October 16, 2019 I feel like I am in an episode of Naked and Afraid. Except I'm not naked, I am just afraid. Haha just kidding, but I do feel like I am on survival mode, because we made popcorn in the drying machine because our house doesnt have a microwave. My district also likes playing a game that we like to call, "Fireworks or gunshots". Every night we hear loud bangs, and most of the time it is fireworks. But sometimes, it sounds more like a gunshot, and then we usually hear police sirens afterwards. So we all make guesses on if its a firework, or if someone got shot. Kinda sketchy, but theres not very many other games we can play haha. The CCM is starting to grow on me! Its literally prison but I am used to it. I am on week 3 of 6, so I am halfway done! The first 2 weeks were really, really hard, but I think I have adjusted to the lifestyle by now, and warmed up to everybody. But staying inside the classroom all day, everyday is driving me crazy! I am counting down...

Menos wifi, más Nefi

October 9, 2019 Hola! Its been a good few days since my last P Day, and I decided to take a different approach for my emails, since I didnt really know what to talk about in my email last week. So this week, at night before I went to bed, I wrote a little summary of that day and put it in my email drafts (kinda like a daily journal entry). This way, I can remember more details to share. It also means that this email will be pretty long. Sorry. Sunday 10/06 Today was general conference! It was awesome! I loved all the talks, but ESPECIALLY loved President Nelsons talk at the end of the Sunday afternoon session, where he announced that next conference will be the 200th anniversary of Joseph Smith's first vision, so it will be themed about that! And I literally just spent the last whole week memorizing Joseph Smith's account of the first vision in spanish, so I was super excited about that! The first vision also took place in New York, which is WHERE I WILL BE DURING THE ANN...

Lost in the Sauce

October 7, 2019 I made it to the Mexico MTC! It was quite the journey trying to get here though. The morning I left, one of my flights got canceled and my entire itinerary got changed at the last minute, so it was pretty stressful. One of my planes landed 10 minutes AFTER my next plane started boarding so I had to sprint through the airport. I met up with some missionaries at the plane and I was all sweaty and gross... kinda embarrassing. I finally made it, and my companion didnt show up! Theres 4 missionaries in my dorm, and only 2 of us showed up, but we werent companions. We decided to just be temporary companions until we figure out what to do haha. But the next day, both our companions walked in and said that their flights got canceled too so they had been traveling for like... a long time. So they were just a whole day late. My P day is on Wednesdays, but since today is General Conference and its kinda like a church holiday, we are allowed to call home and write emails! My compan...