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Showing posts from October, 2020


October 19, 2020 It was a good week! Elder Hale is my new companion which feels so weird because we were in the MTC together so I get flashbacks like every single day of memories I worked so hard to forget about, but nope they are all back now! Haha jk. Elder Hale has spent the past year in Long Island and Connecticut, so it is his first time in the actual city, which is funny because I have spent the past year in only city areas! I enjoyed seeing Elder Hale's reaction to normal city things, like rats in the subway, fights on the street, and loud music all night. It seems like we have had complete opposite experiences in our missions until this point haha. We are teaching a 9 year old, Jeynaliz, who is the most adorable little thing on the Earth! She is counting down the days until she can be baptized and is just so excited to be a member of the church! She might even love Jesus more than she loves her unicorn stuffed animal, which is saying something! Pray for her and her mom, An...

3 Companions, 1 Week!

October 12, 2020 HOLY COW! This week was crazy! So on Tuesday night, we got a call from President Teuscher telling Elder Davis that he is going to be the next AP, and that he leaves THE NEXT MORNING! We were not expecting that because transfers were still a week away, and we were almost 100% positive that we would both stay here together. So Wednesday morning we had an emergency switch-a-roo with companions, and I stayed in Harlem with Elder Skinner as my temporary companion for the week! Elder Davis and I were SO SAD that we were getting separated. We only got to be companions for 5 weeks, and 2 of those weeks were spent on exchanges (we did the math). It was fun while it lasted, but it was also fun getting to be with Elder Skinner! This past week I was really stressed out because I had to be the only zone leader in the zone, and I was leading an area I don't know very well yet. It happened so soon and with almost 0 notice, so it was just really shocking. I also wasn't allowed...


October 5, 2020 1  YEAR IN! Thursday was a year from when I left home, I can't believe how the time has flown. I spent the day on ANOTHER exchange haha, surprise surprise. I was with Elder Skinner in Inwood! It was super fun! On the way home we were just walking on the sidewalk, trying to return in a timely manner, and some drunk guy got like 2 inches away from me and was screaming at me and got his spit all over my face. He looked like he was about to beat us up, and Elder Davis started to swing his arm to punch the guy, but the guy backed off before things got serious. We walked away quickly and we were fine. I'm gonna be honest, that kind of stuff doesn't even surprise me anymore haha, that's just another day in Harlem. When I got home, my parents ordered us each a carton of ice cream, cookies, and brownies! It was so good!!! Elder Davis also wrote a "happy 1 year" message on our bathroom mirror which was super nice!  We had MLC this week, which is just a m...