October 5, 2020
1 YEAR IN! Thursday was a year from when I left home, I can't believe how the time has flown. I spent the day on ANOTHER exchange haha, surprise surprise. I was with Elder Skinner in Inwood! It was super fun! On the way home we were just walking on the sidewalk, trying to return in a timely manner, and some drunk guy got like 2 inches away from me and was screaming at me and got his spit all over my face. He looked like he was about to beat us up, and Elder Davis started to swing his arm to punch the guy, but the guy backed off before things got serious. We walked away quickly and we were fine. I'm gonna be honest, that kind of stuff doesn't even surprise me anymore haha, that's just another day in Harlem. When I got home, my parents ordered us each a carton of ice cream, cookies, and brownies! It was so good!!! Elder Davis also wrote a "happy 1 year" message on our bathroom mirror which was super nice!
We had MLC this week, which is just a meeting with all the ZL's and STL's in the mission. President Teuscher told us about a bunch of upcoming news for the mission, including FINALLY having in person zone conferences, and the creation of like 4 more zones or something. He said that the Manhattan Zone (and a few others) will be split in half so that the leadership can concentrate their efforts on a few companionships instead of like 15. So we are nervous for transfers this weekend because Elder Davis and I don't want to be split apart! Anything can happen, so we will just have to wait and see.
General Conference was amazing! I loved all the talks, but especially the ones by Uchtdorf, Holland, and Andersen! But they were all amazing! I loved how many speakers mentioned how missionary work is thriving right now unlike ever before. It's true! We keep breaking our own records every single month! God knew what he was doing when he made us change the way we work. But that success wasn't just given to us, I am so happy I am in this mission because EVERYONE is determined to work hard, be obedient, and be creative to think outside the box we have been quarantined in haha.
We saw amazing miracles this week!! I posted on my Facebook story last week and asked if anyone wanted to be baptized. I didn't really think anything would come of it, I just wanted to see what would happen haha. To my surprise, 2 people accepted my baptismal invitation! Both of them watched general conference and 1 of them now has a baptismal date! Also, someone else we are teaching, Angie, miraculously overcame her one and only roadblock, so things are looking good for her and her daughter to be baptized in a couple weeks!
Today for P-Day we walked 5th Ave with the elders in my district and just hung out, walked through some expensive stores that charge $1,000 for a t-shirt haha, and walked around the NBC studio where they film SNL. Pretty cool. We also visited a place called Teuscher Chocolates that sells like $350 chocolate (its so fancy). President Teuscher said he would buy us all chocolate if we find a certain amount of new people to teach, which we are trying hard to achieve... but just in case we can't get it, we bought ourselves some chocolate today and took pictures/videos to get our zone excited about it! It was really good!
Hasta la proxima, chao
Elder Webster
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