February 1, 2021
Hello!!! How is everyone doing? Elder Wooley and I are still on the grind everyday and it's such a blast! I could literally get hit by a car and I think I would still be smiling and laughing because Elder Wooley and I are just always joking, but also always working! Our recent convert, Alejandro, said a prayer yesterday in a lesson and said "please bless Elder Webster so that he won't be sad when he gets transferred in a few weeks". I needed that haha, I get sad just thinking about leaving. But I still have 2 weeks left here!
It started snowing last night and it's not supposed to stop until Wednesday! It is already super deep, which is really exciting! Today for P-Day, we just got onto a random subway and took a random bus just to see where we would end up. We ended up downtown at a pizza place that claimed to be the best pizza in the whole world haha. The guy said that when Italian people come in he tells them "congratulations, you finally had real pizza" haha. We bought one but because of COVID, no restaurants let you eat inside, so we ended up eating the pizza at a bus stop in the snow and wind. Normally that would be miserable, but the pizza was SO good and we were just laughing so hard so it was really really fun! I will attach some pretty funny pictures to this email haha
A few weeks ago an elder asked me for some tips on how to best control our own thoughts. I had never really studied that topic before so I didn't have anything to tell him, and I felt like a scrub haha. I had an interview with President Teuscher this week and asked him how I can start studying the topic because I had no idea where to start! He told me to get a fresh copy of the Book of Mormon and mark every verse that teaches about the topic, and he said I would be surprised by how much The Book of Mormon talks about it. I was a little doubtful, but I tried it anyway and I THINK I ENDED UP HIGHLIGHTED EVERY SINGLE VERSE with annotations and notes filling up the margins. I was able to learn so much just in the first chapter! I was really astonished. As an experiment, I tried switching what topic I was studying for, and... it turns out... The Book of Mormon can literally answer any questions you may have if you look hard enough. It was really cool! 10/10 would recommend it.
We also had a sickkk zone conference this week. Also, an elder in my zone chugged 12 raw eggs yesterday as part of an initiative we are doing haha
Have a great week!!!!! Love you all!
Elder Webster
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