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Showing posts from May, 2021

In The Heights

May 17, 2021 Week 1 of the transfer was intense! As per usual, we were super busy this week with getting brand new missionaries to their trainers, departing missionaries to the airport, planning zone conferences, President's interview schedule, accountability calls, planning 11 exchanges, rosters, transfers, moving to Manhattan, searching for/buying a new apartment for ourselves, giving not 1, but 2 trainings in a mission leadership meeting, planning our zone conference training for this upcoming week, and trying our best to do at least a little proselyting in our area. We pretty much didn't sleep this week. We ended up doing a companionship study at 12:30 AM because that was when we finally had time for it. We are working on getting to bed earlier... it's not good... But it was a blast! We are productive literally every minute of the day, which feels great. We were homeless for about 2 days. We moved out of our apartment in New Rochelle, but literally didn't have time ...


 May 10, 2021 I knew this week would be crazy, but WOW I did not expect it to go the way it did. We found out that when President Holmes gets here, the mission home and mission office will move from Scarsdale to... drum roll please... MANHATTAN! That means that I'M MOVING TO MANHATTAN TOO! AGAIN! To get settled in before the new mission president gets here, I am moving to Manhattan TOMORROW and will spend the rest of my mission there in an area called Inwood (or Washington Heights for those of you who are rusty on your New York geography). I am really excited! Literally EVERYTHING is changing and I am going to have to figure out how to do things in a whole new way. Speaking of changes, I have a new companion! I'm not supposed to share many details about what goes on during transfer planning, but it was really cool sitting in a room with President Teuscher and seeing how he relies on the spirit to decide where we serve and who we serve with. After much discussion and prayer, Eld...


 May 3, 2021 This week was super eventful!!!!!!!! I've seen lots of miracles this week! Miracles in the office are a little different than miracles in normal missionary work haha, they usually include some sort of sheet, training, or "side quest" that President sends us on. First of all, for my birthday I asked for a "that was easy" button, one of those things where you press it and it says "that was easy!". It's been SO funny slamming it after we finish lessons or something. On Wednesday I got to go to the airport to pick up some missionaries that went to Utah to sign some stuff for the visas to go to their original assignment. They were in Utah for like a couple of hours just to sign a paper and then they came back haha. They stayed at our apartment that night and it was a party! On Thursday, there was a meeting for all the new missionaries, and I got to give a training on how to effectively daily plan! As I was preparing it, I prayed to know wha...

I Love Elder Goodman

April 26, 2021 What's up email squad!!! Thanks for all the birthday wishes! This week had its ups and downs but Elder Webb and I saw some incredible miracles. I just want to start off by saying I LOVE ELDER GOODMAN! I was blessed to go on an exchange with him this week (for those who don't know, we were companions a year ago), and since he is currently serving in Harlem, I got to go back and talk to some people I used to teach, see my old apartment, and eat at my favorite deli! HARLEM IS A HOLY PLACE. IT IS A SACRED LAND. Jesus loves Harlem, there is no doubt. Harlem is where dreams come true. (I actually got to go twice this week because I went on an exchange with some other elders in Manhattan later in the week. How blessed am I?????) I had my interview with President Teuscher this week, and I came with LOTS of questions. I asked him what I should expect when the new mission president (President Holmes) comes, and what my role in "training" him will be. I also asked...

The Bronx & Brooklyn

April 19, 2021 Happy Monday mis amigos! I am finally starting to figure out this whole "assistant" thing, which is nice. This past week (you're never going to guess), I went on some more exchanges! I spent a day in the North Brooklyn, South Brooklyn, and Bronx zones, which was SO much fun! I really enjoy getting to go all around the mission and spending time with the zone leaders. I feel very blessed for sure! They are all so awesome! It is all fun and games eating at new deli's, seeing new parts of the city, and being around other missionaries, but the BEST part about all these exchanges is hearing each one of them teach and testify differently. I love hearing their individual testimonies and how they share them. There was 1 day where I got to drive through ALL of my previous areas in the same day! That was a wild trip down memory lane. I was FREAKING out. I miss Richmond Hill, Olmstead, Harlem, and White Plains. We got a media referral this week from a teenager nam...