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Showing posts from March, 2020

Todavía en Cuarentena

March 30, 2020 Hello everyone!! Corona ain't got nothin on us! As Sister Teuscher said about the quarantine, we can choose to GO through this, or we can choose to GROW through this. This week, I really grew as a missionary, as a companion, as a person, and as a disciple of Jesus Christ. We may be confined to our houses, but we have been able to do things we never would have done before, and found people we never would have found if we weren't home! We committed several people to be baptized after the quarantine ends, and we have received SO many responses to texts, calls, and facebook posts. We also received several referrals from Salt Lake City, other missionaries, members of the ward, and self-referrals! We are doing more missionary work than ever, and we are GROWING from this! I have never been busier! And we haven't even left the house! I invite all of you to share your testimony, share a quote, share a scripture, or just share something uplifting online. So much good...

Quarantined in the Bronx

March 23, 2020 It is crazy how much can happen in a week! New York City is completely shut down and we have been quarantined all week. We will remain quarantined in our apartment for at least another week, but it is possible it could be extended! Almost all of my friends from home and from the MTC who are serving missions got sent home (some temporarily, some permanently), and I am now one of the few of my friends that are still left in the mission field! That feels really weird. Even some missionaries in MY mission who have been here for awhile got sent home! I am so sad that things are getting shut down, and the work is slowing down! It is currently illegal in the state of New York to gather, in any size! So that means, baptisms are illegal, and going anywhere to talk to anyone is a crime haha. But God has a plan and I am confident things will be okay and will work out! President Teuscher said he has not heard any news yet about if I will be sent home or not, so for now we are just ...

Urgent Care + TRANSFERS!

March 16, 2020 It's a crazy time to be a missionary, for sure! Due to the Coronavirus, church was canceled worldwide, and everyone is avoiding contact with everyone! It makes it a little hard for us to work because... inviting people to church and talking to as many people as possible is what we do! I am not entirely sure how to do missionary work effectively in this circumstance, but we are figuring it out one day at a time. Because we try to talk to literally everyone we see, I actually got sick this week! Elder Larson and I were told to stay inside to rest and to avoid spreading anything. We have been at home for the past 3 days! The mission doctor also asked me to go to Urgent Care, just to make sure I didn't have Corona Virus. They took my blood and ran tests. Turns out, I AM OKAY. Thank goodness! They still don't want us to leave the house though because of everything that's going on in the world. So, we have been doing as much missionary work from home as we ...

Corona Virus

March 9, 2020 Holy cow! What a crazy week it has been! I can't possibly talk about everything in one email without writing a novel, so here are just a few experiences I had this week! Last week we got 4 people to church, which was a big accomplishment and was the highest church attendance I have seen in this area! But this week, we were able to bring 8 people to church!  That is huge!!!  Unfortunately, 3 of those people forgot about Daylight Savings and showed up an hour late, so they missed the sacrament. But the fact that they all came, even if they were late, was awesome! It used to be a struggle just getting 1 person to come! But if there is one thing I have learned during this transfer, I have learned that God is the only way we can be successful. He communicates with us through the spirit, so if we want His help,  listen to the spirit!  And then not only listen but follow the promptings you get. That is how we got 8 people to church. We worked SO hard, bu...

Finally, Fruit

March 2, 2020 I just want to start off by saying, missionary work is the best. So many miracles!! This email will be a little long, but I promise it will be worth the read! We woke up early on Saturday morning and headed to the Manhattan temple, where I got to meet and shake hands with an apostle of the Lord, Elder D. Todd Christofferson! All the missionaries in New York City gathered together to hear his message, and it was a very powerful, spiritual, and unforgettable experience for me. I took about 4 pages of notes and he said some things that really impacted me! As you all know, the last few weeks have been pretty hard for Elder Larson and I to find new people to teach. We have been working so hard and not many results have come out of it. But during D. Todd Christofferson's talk, he made eye contact with me. And let me just say, a powerful feeling comes when you and one of God's chosen apostles are making eye contact. With his eyes looking into mine, he just so happene...