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Showing posts from July, 2021

Families Are Forever

 July 19, 2021 Hello everyone! Hope you all had a good week! This week was a bit difficult and eye opening for me, I had a really interesting experience. On Thursday, we were in a lesson and our phones kept vibrating but we just ignored it because we were teaching. After the lesson, we got in the car and checked our phones. We had several missed calls from Sister Robison and Sister Braithwaite. When we called them back, they were both crying so hard that they could barely speak. We asked what was wrong, and all they said, full of tears and out of breath, was "please pray for us." So, we hung up and said a prayer for them, not knowing what was wrong. Then, we called President Holmes and he told us that Sister Robison's 13 year old brother back in Utah got ran over by a truck, and died. Our jaws dropped. It was so sad, and you could hear the pain in their voices when we called them. President rushed to their apartment, gave them a blessing, and they all came back and stayed...

Moving Downtown + Zone Conference Week

 July 12, 2021 What's up email squad     Back at it again with anotha weekly email, comin' in hot   This week was Zone Conference week! I got to travel around the mission every day and attend each zone conference, which was a sweet experience! Usually that is the best day ever for missionaries (and it still is), but it is so much more work when you're an assistant to a brand new mission president who has no idea what a Zone Conference even is haha. He thought Harlem was in Long Island, so I have my work cut out for me haha. We planned the whole agenda for each day, gave a training to the mission about finding, setup chairs/tables/the projector, and made sure everything went smoothly every day. It turned out great! I can't even begin to describe the experiences I have had these last few weeks. THIS TIME IS SO SACRED TO ME. Being with the Holmes all day, every day has resulted in such incredible, spiritual, life changing discussions. Sometimes we are having deep gospel...

The Transition

 July 5, 2021 This week was President and Sister Holme's first week as our mission presidents! I've been super nervous about this week for the past 3 months, praying, fasting, and staying up too late thinking about all the things I would need to do as their assistant to help them the best I can. Well, this week turned out to be one of the BEST weeks of my life! It was absolutely amazing! As I explain some of the awesome opportunities I had this week, KEEP IN MIND we worked SO hard this week. Harder than ever before. It wasn't all just fun and games like it might sound haha.  First of all, I attended the transition dinner between the Teuschers and the Holmes, and it was really fun just hanging out and joking around with everyone. The Teuschers surprised me, Elder Money, and President Holmes with matching "unity ties". They have little boat steering wheels on them to basically say "you guys are in charge now". I am so so soooo grateful for that whole exper...

Working Under 2 Presidents

 June 28, 2021 Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well! This week was absolutely ridiculous. Today is the day I have been anticipating for about 3 months now. President and Sister Teuscher go home, and the Holmes' fly in. We've been really busy this past week doing last minute things to prepare, like prepping the new mission home, getting the car clean and ready for President and Sister Holmes, and a few other things. I am really excited because tonight we are having a "transition dinner" where we will sit down with the Teuschers and the Holmes, take some pictures, talk a little about the mission, and go our separate ways afterwards. I don't know where we are going out to eat, but I know it's in downtown Manhattan and it's EXPENSIVE. Both the Teuscher's and the Holmes' have been in contact with us pretty consistently, giving us different assignments they want us to do. One day, President Teuscher called us 6 times, and President Holmes ema...

Meeting President Homes + Door Knocking

June 21, 2021   I don't know how many of you read my emails or not, but this one will actually be worth reading haha. I have a short P-day because new missionaries fly in today and I get to pick them up and drop them off to their trainers! I am very excited to meet them!  First things first, the day has finally come where we got permission to KNOCK DOORS, STREET CONTACT, AND TRAIN CONTACT! We can FINALLY talk to people! We are almost completely back to normal, which is so exciting. We were advised to limit our time spent outside though because online work is literally so much more effective in NYC, especially right now when everyone is still in the habit of not talking to anyone else. We had a few miracles though! We met a lady on the street named Mercedes, and we invited her to do a chapel tour with us! She came, and she accepted a baptismal invitation! The next day, she came to church and loved it, and is so excited to be baptized! Yay! Elder Money and I had the incredible e...